Life Lessons from the Silver Screen: The Law of Attraction in Cinema

Life Lessons from the Silver Screen: The Law of Attraction in Cinema

The law of attraction is the idea that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality. This concept has significantly influenced many lives and is widely recognized in self-help and success philosophy. However, there aren’t many films or TV shows that directly address this concept.

While there are no movies centered entirely on the law of attraction, some works incorporate elements or similar concepts. These productions don’t explicitly discuss the law of attraction but depict how characters’ thoughts and actions influence reality. Below, we’ll introduce and analyze some works containing such elements.

“The Pursuit of Happyness”

This inspiring movie based on a true story portrays the life of Chris Gardner (Will Smith), a businessman who rose from poverty to become a millionaire. The story depicts Chris’s struggle with financial difficulties while maintaining his relationship with his son and pursuing a better life.

Chris’s attitude embodies key elements of the law of attraction. He consistently maintains a positive attitude and believes in his abilities. Despite challenging circumstances, he clearly envisions his goals and persistently works towards them.

A symbolic scene is when Chris attends an internship interview. Despite not being properly dressed, he faces the interviewer with confidence and determination. This attitude ultimately brings him an opportunity.

The lesson from this movie is the importance of clear goal-setting and unwavering belief. Chris always believed in his dream and continued to act towards it. This is a core element of the law of attraction and a lesson applicable to our daily lives.

“The Matrix”

The sci-fi classic “The Matrix” might seem unrelated to the law of attraction at first glance. However, this work provides deep insights into the nature of reality and the power of our thoughts.

The protagonist Neo (Keanu Reeves) learns that the real world is actually a computer simulation. He discovers that his thoughts have the power to change this virtual reality. This is similar to the law of attraction’s idea that our thoughts shape reality.

A symbolic scene is when Neo attempts to “bend the spoon.” The boy says, “There is no spoon,” and Neo understands that he can change reality with his will. This reflects the law of attraction’s concept that our perception of reality shapes our actual experience.

The lesson from this movie is that our perception has the power to shape reality. Neo could exhibit superhuman abilities in the virtual world because he understood the “rules” of that world and believed he could change them at will. This is a concept that can be applied similarly to our daily lives.


Christopher Nolan’s masterpiece “Inception” doesn’t directly deal with the law of attraction, but it offers an interesting perspective on the relationship between thought and reality.

In this film, the protagonist Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his team engage in the unique job of infiltrating people’s dreams to implant ideas. This can be seen as an extreme expression of the law of attraction’s concept that our thoughts shape reality.

A symbolic scene is when Cobb spins his “totem” (a personal object used to distinguish reality from dreams). This scene symbolizes how we perceive our reality and how we influence it.

The lesson from this movie is that our thoughts and beliefs deeply influence the “reality” we experience. In the film, characters freely manipulate reality within dreams, which resonates with the law of attraction’s idea that we “create” reality through our thoughts and beliefs.


While these movies don’t directly address the law of attraction, they express its core elements in various ways. Each work offers a unique perspective on how our thoughts and beliefs can influence reality.

“The Pursuit of Happyness” demonstrates the power of clear goal-setting and unwavering belief. “The Matrix” explores the possibility that our perception shapes reality. “Inception” expresses the idea that thoughts have the power to create reality through the medium of dreams.

The lesson from these works is that our thoughts and beliefs greatly influence the reality we experience. In practicing the law of attraction, it’s important to clearly envision your goals, believe you can achieve them, and continue to act towards them.

Movies are not mere entertainment. They are mirrors that teach us profound truths about life. Through these works, we can understand the essence of the law of attraction and gain inspiration to apply it to our own lives.

What we should learn from these movies is the importance of positive thinking and clear goal-setting, and how these influence our actions and results. In the real world, not only thoughts but also concrete actions and efforts are essential for success.

By watching these movies, we can gain a new perspective on our lives and find the courage to more actively shape our own reality.