The Complete Guide to Crystal Healing: 20 Healing Stones and How to Use Them

The Complete Guide to Crystal Healing: 20 Healing Stones and How to Use Them

Crystal healing is an ancient natural therapy that has gained attention as a method to balance the mind and body and activate energy using the power of beautiful minerals produced by the Earth. This article introduces the basics of crystal healing, the characteristics of 20 representative crystals, and effective ways to use them.

Basic Principles of Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is based on the idea that all matter contains energy. Minerals with crystalline structures, in particular, are believed to vibrate at unique frequencies, and these vibrational energies are thought to affect the human body.

By wearing crystals or placing them around us, their energy resonates with our biofield, helping to balance our mind and body and support specific intentions.

20 Representative Crystals and Their Characteristics

Here’s a detailed introduction to 20 commonly used crystals and their characteristics:

1) Clear Quartz:

  • Overall energy cleansing and activation
  • Improved concentration and clarity
  • Amplifies all types of energy
  • Suitable for combining with other crystals

2) Amethyst:

  • Mental stability and relaxation
  • Enhanced intuition and spirituality
  • Said to improve insomnia and nightmares
  • Supports meditation and spiritual growth

3) Rose Quartz:

  • Promotes love and harmony
  • Cultivates self-love and compassion for others
  • Heals emotional wounds and balances emotions
  • Attracts improved relationships and new encounters

4) Citrine:

  • Attracts abundance and prosperity
  • Strengthens confidence and positive attitude
  • Symbolizes solar energy and provides vitality
  • Supports success in business and financial matters

5) Lapis Lazuli:

  • Promotes truth-seeking and self-expression
  • Enhances intelligence and insight
  • Activates the third eye chakra and promotes spiritual awakening
  • Supports leadership and self-assertion

6) Turquoise:

  • Overall protection and healing
  • Improves communication skills
  • Known as a protective talisman for travelers
  • Promotes spiritual growth and connection with the Earth

7) Tiger’s Eye:

  • Strengthens courage and confidence
  • Improves ability to see things calmly
  • Activates the solar plexus chakra
  • Supports financial stability and recognition of opportunities

8) Moonstone:

  • Promotes femininity and balance
  • Enhances intuition and sensitivity
  • Connected to lunar energy, promotes emotional cleansing
  • Said to help balance hormones

9) Himalayan Quartz:

  • Harmonizes with higher dimensional energies
  • Promotes spiritual growth and evolution
  • Powerful cleansing and protective effects
  • Deepens meditation and spiritual work

10) Black Tourmaline:

  • Absorbs and transforms negative energy
  • Provides spiritual protection and grounding
  • Said to protect against electromagnetic radiation
  • Helps reduce stress and anxiety

11) Green Aventurine:

  • Attracts opportunities and luck
  • Promotes physical and mental harmony and healing
  • Activates the heart chakra and promotes emotional healing
  • Supports harmony with nature and personal growth

12) Carnelian:

  • Enhances vitality and creativity
  • Strengthens confidence and motivation
  • Activates the sacral chakra
  • Balances passion and sexual energy

13) Fluorite:

  • Enhances mental clarity and concentration
  • Strengthens learning and memory
  • Supports mindfulness and mental organization
  • Promotes balance between intuition and logical thinking

14) Jade:

  • Promotes harmony and peace
  • Attracts wealth and prosperity
  • Symbolizes longevity and health
  • Heals the heart chakra and nurtures love and compassion

15) Opal:

  • Promotes creativity and self-expression
  • Cleanses and harmonizes emotions
  • Brings out inner beauty
  • Enhances artistic talent and intuition

16) Sodalite:

  • Strengthens logical thinking and rationality
  • Promotes communication and self-expression
  • Activates the third eye and throat chakras
  • Supports truth-seeking and self-understanding

17) Malachite:

  • Promotes transformation and growth
  • Cleanses emotions and heals the heart
  • Opens the heart chakra and nurtures love and compassion
  • Supports the release of old emotional patterns

18) Smoky Quartz:

  • Transforms negative energy
  • Promotes grounding and realistic thinking
  • Effective in reducing stress and anxiety
  • Activates the root chakra

19) Aquamarine:

  • Promotes peace of mind and tranquility
  • Improves communication and self-expression
  • Activates the throat chakra and supports clear self-expression
  • Connects with ocean energy and promotes emotional cleansing

20) Sunstone:

  • Promotes joy and positive attitude
  • Strengthens confidence and individuality
  • Symbolizes solar energy and provides vitality and warmth
  • Supports leadership and enhances self-worth

How to Choose and Care for Crystals

When choosing crystals, trust your intuition. It’s best to choose ones that appeal to you visually or by touch. You can also select crystals based on specific purposes or symptoms.

Crystal Care Methods:

  • Regular cleansing (moonlight, sunlight, salt water, sage smoke, etc.)
  • Handle gently and avoid damaging
  • Charge energy (expose to moonlight or sunlight, combine with other crystals, etc.)

Specific Crystal Healing Techniques

1) Combination with Meditation:

Meditate while holding crystals or placing them around you. Focus on the crystal’s energy and imagine it spreading throughout your body.

2) Chakra Healing:

Place crystals corresponding to the seven main chakras on the associated body parts. For example, use red jasper for the root chakra and rose quartz for the heart chakra.

3) Crystal Grid:

Arrange multiple crystals in a geometric pattern for a specific purpose. Place a main crystal in the center, surrounded by supporting crystals.

4) Crystal Elixir:

Immerse crystals in purified water to transfer their energy. Drink this water or use it as a spray (Note: Some crystals are toxic, so verify safety before use).

5) Crystal Massage:

Gently massage specific body parts using smooth-surfaced crystals. This promotes energy flow and relieves tension.

6) Crystal Jewelry:

Wear crystals as pendants or bracelets to benefit from their energy throughout the day.

7) Environmental Harmony:

Place crystals in your home or office to cleanse and harmonize the overall energy of the space.

Crystal Safety

When practicing crystal healing, always consider these safety points:


Some crystals contain components harmful to humans. For example, malachite contains copper, which can cause poisoning if ingested. Avoid putting crystals in your mouth or in prolonged direct contact with skin.


Some crystals may cause allergic reactions. If you experience any skin abnormalities, discontinue use.

Choosing and Cleansing Crystals


As mentioned, choose crystals intuitively. However, it’s also important to verify their safety. Purchase from reputable specialized stores and consult experts if you have any doubts.


Regular cleansing of crystals is recommended. Cleansing methods include:

  • Washing in running water: Use natural rivers, waterfalls, or tap water.
  • Exposing to sunlight or moonlight: Leave in natural light for several hours or overnight.
  • Smudging with sage: Use smoke from plants known for their cleansing properties.
  • Soaking in salt water: Use seawater or salt solution (be cautious as some crystals can be damaged by salt water).
  • Placing on a crystal cluster: Cleanse by placing on a large clear quartz cluster.


Crystal healing is a natural therapy that can potentially promote mind-body harmony and enhance overall health and well-being. However, it should be considered a complementary approach and not a replacement for conventional medical treatment.

The effects of crystals vary greatly between individuals, so it’s important to take time to experiment with different types to find what works best for you. Nurture your relationship with crystals and experience their mysterious charm and healing power.

The world of crystal healing is deep, and what we’ve introduced here is just the beginning. For those wanting to learn more, we recommend reading specialized books or participating in workshops. Why not try using crystal healing as a wonderful tool to lead a more harmonious life, utilizing the wisdom of nature?