The Animistic Worldview: 12 Wisdoms for Living in Harmony with Nature

The Animistic Worldview: 12 Wisdoms for Living in Harmony with Nature

Animism is the belief that all elements of the natural world around us possess souls or spirits. While this worldview is often forgotten in modern society, it contains wisdom about coexisting with nature that our ancestors cherished for a long time. This article introduces the basic concepts of animism and examples from around the world, proposes 12 practical methods for restoring harmony with nature, and explores the significance and applications of an animistic worldview in contemporary society.

What is Animism?

Animism, derived from the Latin word “anima” (soul), refers to a belief system that all natural objects and phenomena possess souls or spirits. Mountains, rivers, trees, rocks, and even weather phenomena like wind and rain are perceived as entities with their own will and emotions.

This worldview is considered one of the oldest forms of belief in human history and still lives on in indigenous peoples and traditional cultures worldwide. Animism is not merely a primitive belief but a philosophy that deeply understands and respects the relationship between nature and humans.

Examples of Animism Around the World

Animism is expressed in various forms around the world. Here are some examples:

Shinto in Japan

Shinto, Japan’s traditional religion, contains many animistic elements. The concept of eight million gods embodies the idea of finding divinity in all aspects of nature.

Ainu Beliefs

The Ainu, indigenous people of Hokkaido, believe that kamuy (gods) dwell in all natural things, revering bears, salmon, trees, and more as sacred.

African Traditional Beliefs

Many African ethnic groups have traditions of worshipping ancestral spirits and nature spirits. For example, the Yoruba people’s Orisha faith deifies natural forces.

Native American Worldview

Many North American indigenous tribes cherish a spirituality deeply connected to the earth, animals, and plants. The Lakota concept of “Mitakuye Oyasin” (all are related) is a prime example.

12 Practices to Restore Harmony with Nature

How can we, living in the modern world, incorporate the wisdom of animism into our daily lives? Here are 12 suggested practices:

Consciously Observe Nature

Set aside a little time each day to closely observe the nature around you. By paying attention to the often-overlooked workings of nature, such as the swaying of trees, bird songs, or cloud movements, you can feel a sense of unity with nature.

Express Gratitude

Develop a habit of expressing gratitude before meals for the ingredients, the people who prepared the food, and nature’s bounty. This is a good opportunity to recognize that our lives are supported by nature’s cycle.

Connect with Local Nature

Use weekends to visit local nature parks, forests, rivers, or coasts. Directly experiencing nature allows you to feel the unique ecosystems and seasonal changes of your area.

Grow Plants

Start a home garden or grow plants on your balcony. By watching over and caring for plants’ growth, you can closely experience the wonder of life and nature’s rhythms.

Practice Environmentally Conscious Living

Make efforts to reduce environmental impact in daily life, such as reducing disposable plastic use and saving energy. This is also an expression of respect for nature.

Participate in Local Traditional Events

Local festivals and traditional events often embody reverence for nature. Participating in these events allows you to learn about our ancestors’ view of nature.

Practice Meditation or Forest Bathing

Meditating in quiet natural settings or enjoying forest bathing can help balance your mind and body and deepen your connection with nature.

Use Natural Materials

Try to use natural materials in your daily life as much as possible. For example, choosing organic products or clothes made from natural fibers allows you to feel nature’s blessings daily.

Consider Coexistence with Animals

If you keep pets, respect their natural habits and ensure appropriate care. It’s also important to learn about and practice coexistence with wildlife.

Listen to Nature’s Music

Listening to recordings of natural sounds or music themed around nature can calm your mind and help you feel nature’s rhythms.

Enjoy Seasonal Changes

Consciously enjoy the changing of seasons. Savoring seasonal foods and valuing seasonal events can help you feel closer to nature’s cycles.

Engage with Nature-Themed Art

Engaging with nature-themed artworks such as paintings, photographs, or literature allows you to sense the artists’ perceptions of nature and its spirituality.

Significance and Applications of an Animistic Worldview in Modern Society

What significance does incorporating an animistic worldview have in modern society?

Increased Environmental Awareness

The idea that everything in nature has a soul leads to increased awareness of environmental protection and ecosystem conservation. By viewing nature as an entity to be respected rather than just a resource, we can contribute to realizing a sustainable society.

Stress Reduction and Mental Health Improvement

Being conscious of our connection with nature is said to be effective in reducing stress and improving mental health for modern people. Nature-based therapies like forest bathing and horticultural therapy are gaining attention.

Strengthening Community Bonds

Activities that cherish local nature and the continuation of nature-related traditional events have the effect of strengthening community bonds. This can help rebuild human relationships that tend to become weak in modern society.

Enhancing Creativity and Intuition

The attitude of finding meaning and soul in nature leads to nurturing creativity and intuition. Many artists and innovators draw inspiration from nature.

Building Sustainable Lifestyles

An animistic worldview leads to values that emphasize spiritual fulfillment, not just material wealth. This provides an important perspective for curbing excessive consumption and building sustainable lifestyles.


The animistic worldview offers insights into many challenges faced by modern society. Restoring harmony with nature is not mere nostalgia but a crucial key to building a sustainable future.

The 12 practices introduced in this article are just starting points for incorporating the wisdom of animism into modern life. It’s important for each person to deepen their connection with nature and nurture rich spirituality in their own way.

Through an animistic worldview, we can re-recognize that we are part of nature and seek a more harmonious way of life. This is an important step that leads not only to the pursuit of individual happiness but also to the health and prosperity of the entire planet.