Introduction to Psychic Protection: 10 Techniques to Shield Yourself from Negative Energies

Introduction to Psychic Protection: 10 Techniques to Shield Yourself from Negative Energies

Some people believe that invisible energies constantly surround us. Among these, there are positive energies that have a beneficial influence on us, and conversely, negative energies that are believed to have harmful effects. The method of protecting oneself from the influence of these negative energies is called “psychic protection.” In this article, we will explain the types and symptoms of negative energy influences, as well as 10 techniques to protect yourself from them.

However, the effectiveness of these techniques varies from person to person and does not work the same way for everyone. Also, some of the symptoms introduced here may be similar to those of mental illnesses. We recommend that you do not self-diagnose and always consult a medical professional if you feel discomfort or unwell.

What is the Influence of Negative Energy?

The influence of negative energy is a phenomenon where negative elements from others or the environment are believed to affect one’s energy field (aura). This is not necessarily intentional and is said to sometimes occur unconsciously.

Main Symptoms of Negative Energy Influence

Some people believe that they may be experiencing the influence of negative energy if the following symptoms appear suddenly or occur in relation to specific people or places. However, these symptoms can be caused by various factors and are not necessarily due to negative energy.

  1. Sudden fatigue or physical discomfort
  2. Increased anxiety or fear
  3. Nightmares or sleep disorders
  4. Decreased concentration
  5. Unpleasant sensations or feelings of discomfort
  6. Sudden emotional changes
  7. Headaches or dizziness

Important: If these symptoms persist or interfere with your daily life, please consult a medical professional promptly. It is important to avoid self-diagnosis or self-treatment and to receive proper medical evaluation.

10 Techniques of Psychic Protection

The techniques introduced below are practiced by many people. While these techniques are not scientifically proven, they may help improve psychological stability and self-awareness.

1. Grounding

Grounding is a technique that connects and stabilizes your energy with the earth. This practice is said to have the effect of reducing anxiety and stress, potentially making you less susceptible to negative influences.

Practice method:

  1. Sit or stand in a quiet place
  2. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths
  3. Imagine roots growing from your feet and extending deep into the earth
  4. Feel the earth’s energy flowing into your body through these roots
  5. Maintain this image for several minutes

2. Shielding

Shielding is a technique where you imagine creating a protective wall around yourself.

Practice method:

  1. Close your eyes and take a deep breath
  2. Imagine an egg-shaped shield of light surrounding your body
  3. Believe that this shield deflects all negative influences
  4. If necessary, try changing the color or texture of this shield

3. White Light Protection

This is a technique where you imagine enveloping yourself in white light energy.

Practice method:

  1. Imagine pure white light pouring down from above your head
  2. Feel this light enveloping your entire body and penetrating each of your cells
  3. Believe that this light purifies all negative elements

4. Energy Cleansing

This is a technique where you imagine removing negative elements attached to your aura.

Practice method:

  1. When taking a shower, imagine the water washing away not only your body but also your aura
  2. Or, imagine purifying your surroundings with the smoke of burning herbs like sage or palo santo

5. Chakra Balancing

This is a technique where you imagine balancing the chakras, which are energy centers within the body.

Practice method:

  1. Take a meditation posture
  2. Focus on each chakra from bottom to top, imagining its color
  3. Feel each chakra rotating healthily and shining

6. Affirmation

This is a technique that utilizes the power of positive words.

Practice method:

  • Recite phrases like these daily:
    • “I am safe and protected”
    • “My energy is strong and pure”
    • “I deflect all negative influences”

7. Crystal Protection

This is a technique that utilizes the protective properties of specific stones and crystals. Crystals are believed to have specific vibrations, and these vibrations are thought to have the effect of counteracting negative energy.

Practice method:

  • Wear or place around you crystals such as:
    • Black Tourmaline (absorption of negative elements)
    • Amethyst (mental protection)
    • Lapis Lazuli (recognition and protection of truth)

8. Meditation

Regular meditation practice is said to increase overall energy sensitivity and control. Meditation is believed to have the effect of enhancing concentration and self-awareness, and these abilities may help in dealing with negative influences.

Practice method:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position
  2. Focus on your breath and quiet your thoughts
  3. Feel your inner peace and strength
  4. Practice for about 10-15 minutes daily

9. Setting Energy Boundaries

This is a technique where you imagine clearly defining the boundaries between your energy and that of others.

Practice method:

  1. Imagine an invisible boundary line around you
  2. Believe that this boundary line retains your energy and blocks unwanted influences
  3. Adjust this boundary line as needed (e.g., bring it closer for close friends, keep it farther for strangers)

10. Harmony with Nature

This is a technique that is said to enhance overall defense by harmonizing with natural energy.

Practice method:

  1. Spend time in nature regularly
  2. Consciously connect with natural elements such as trees, plants, water, and earth
  3. Feel and synchronize with the rhythms and cycles of nature

Energy Management in Daily Life

Psychic protection is believed to be important to practice not just at special times, but in daily life. Incorporating habits like the following may enable continuous energy management:

  1. Morning Routine: After waking up, imagine grounding and shielding to set up protection for the day.
  2. Conscious Breathing: Take deep breaths regularly during the day and check your energy state.
  3. Awareness of Environment: Be conscious of negative atmospheres or people, and distance yourself when necessary.
  4. Positive Thinking: Always strive for positive thinking and maintain a self-affirming attitude.
  5. Energy Cleansing: Imagine a simple energy cleansing when returning home or after being in crowds.
  6. Practice Gratitude: Raise your overall energy by feeling grateful for daily events and the people around you.
  7. Regular Self-Care: Regularly engage in activities that heal and restore your energy, such as meditation, yoga, or bathing.


Psychic protection is considered by many to be an important skill for living in modern society. While negative influences may always exist, by mastering and practicing these techniques, you may be able to protect yourself and lead a healthier, more balanced life.

The important thing is to view these techniques not as mere rituals, but as ways to connect with your inner strength. Through daily practice, your understanding and control of your own energy may increase.

The journey of psychic protection is also a process of self-discovery and growth. It’s important to proceed at your own pace without rushing. And don’t forget to seek expert advice when needed. Especially if you experience persistent discomfort or unease, be sure to consult a medical professional.

Start by believing in your inner strength and valuing yourself. This could potentially become the most powerful psychic protection.