Energy Healing Basics: How to Channel Healing Energy Through Your Palms

Energy Healing Basics: How to Channel Healing Energy Through Your Palms

Our bodies are filled with an invisible life energy. This energy has been recognized and utilized in various cultures throughout history. In China, it’s called “qi,” in India “prana,” and in Japan “ki” or “reiki.” This energy is deeply connected to our health and well-being.

Energy healing is a method that uses this life energy to promote physical and mental healing. This article will explain the basic principles and types of energy healing, as well as practical methods. Whether you’re a beginner or someone interested in healing, you can learn how to channel healing energy through your palms.

Principles and Types of Energy Healing

Energy healing is a technique that adjusts the flow of life energy to balance the body and mind, enhancing natural healing abilities. This method is based on the idea that the human body has an energy field, and the state of this energy affects our health.

There are various types of energy healing, including:

  • Reiki: A hands-on therapy developed in Japan that uses “reiki” or universal energy. Healers receive this energy and transmit it through their hands to the recipient.
  • Qigong: A traditional Chinese health practice that manipulates “qi” through breathing techniques, meditation, and physical movements. It’s used for both self-cultivation and healing others.
  • Pranic Healing: Based on Indian traditions, this method manipulates “prana” or life energy. It’s believed to be effective in cleansing the aura and resolving mental blocks.
  • Therapeutic Touch: Developed by nurse Dolores Krieger, this method works on the energy field by hovering hands over the body.
  • Healing Touch: Developed by Janet Mentgen, this technique aims to balance the energy field.

While these methods have their unique characteristics, they share a common principle: the healer works on the recipient’s energy field through their own energy field.

Preparation and Mindset for Healers

The healer’s preparation and mindset are crucial in energy healing. Here’s a detailed explanation of the preparation and mindset before performing healing:

  • Self-purification: It’s important to cleanse your own energy field before healing. Use techniques like meditation, grounding, or deep breathing to clear your mind and body.
  • Setting intention: Clarify the purpose and intention of the healing. It’s important to have a pure intention, such as “for the highest good of the recipient.”
  • Releasing ego: Let go of your ego and expectations, and adopt an attitude of pure service to the recipient. It’s important to focus on the process itself rather than being attached to the results of healing.
  • Obtaining permission: Always get permission from the recipient when performing healing on others. Respecting the free will of the recipient is ethically important.
  • Securing a safe environment: Ideally, the healing should take place in a quiet and calm environment. Prepare a comfortable space free from external disturbances.
  • Energy protection: It’s also important to protect your own energy field. You can use your imagination to create a barrier of light around yourself.
  • Developing intuition: Intuitive senses are important in the healing process. It’s recommended to practice meditation and self-observation daily to enhance your intuition.
  • Continuous learning: The field of energy healing is constantly evolving. It’s important to continue learning new knowledge and techniques and to keep growing personally.

By preparing these mindsets and preparations, you can perform more effective and safe healing.

Basic Healing Techniques: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here, we’ll explain the basic techniques of energy healing step by step. These techniques are fundamental to various energy healing methods.

Preparation Stage:

  1. Preparing the environment: Choose a quiet and comfortable place, and if needed, prepare aromatherapy candles or soft music.
  2. Self-purification: Take deep breaths and release body tension. Use visualization to purify your energy field.
  3. Grounding: Imagine connecting with the earth through the soles of your feet to create a stable state.
  4. Inviting energy: Visualize drawing in universal energy through the top of your head. Feel this energy spreading throughout your body.

Healing Procedure:

  1. Charging hands: Place your hands together in front of your chest and feel the energy. Hold this position until you feel your palms becoming warm.
  2. Scanning the energy field: Hover your hands over the recipient’s body to sense the flow and imbalances of energy.
  3. Sending energy: Send energy from your palms towards the recipient’s body. Visualize the energy flowing as you do this.
  4. Adjusting chakras: Hover your hands over the main chakras (energy centers) of the body in sequence, sending energy to each.
  5. Smoothing: Move your hands smoothly from head to toe to balance the entire energy field of the body.
  6. Grounding: Place your hands on the soles of the recipient’s feet, visualizing excess energy returning to the earth.
  7. Completion: Announce the end of the healing session and ensure the recipient returns to reality gently.

These steps are basic guidelines. In actual healing sessions, you may spend more time on necessary parts or change the order according to your intuition.

Methods for Self-Healing

Self-healing is an important practice to balance your own body and mind and promote healing. Here are some basic methods for self-healing:

  • Meditation: Sit in a quiet place and focus on your breath. Let go of thoughts and concentrate on the present moment. This promotes relaxation of body and mind and harmonization of energy.
  • Energy visualization: Close your eyes and visualize light or energy flowing through your body. Imagine this light purifying and healing your entire body.
  • Chakra adjustment: Focus on each chakra and imagine its color. For example, the first chakra is red, the second is orange, and so on. Visualize each chakra being activated and balanced.
  • Self-touch healing: Focus on your palms and feel the energy. Then, place your hands on parts of your body that are unwell or need adjustment, and send healing energy.
  • Affirmations: Repeat positive phrases like “I am healthy and happy” or “My body is healing day by day.” This works on your subconscious mind and enhances self-healing power.
  • Breathing techniques: Practice deep, slow breathing. Imagine taking in universal energy with each inhale and releasing unnecessary energy with each exhale.
  • Harmony with nature: If possible, spend time in nature. Feel the energy of trees and the earth, and imagine harmonizing with them.
  • Energy cleansing: While showering, imagine the water washing away unnecessary energy from your body. Alternatively, soak in salt water to cleanse your energy.
  • Journaling: Write out your emotions and thoughts to cleanse your inner self. Consciously recognize negative emotions and practice letting them go.
  • Music therapy: Listen to healing music and imagine your entire body being filled and harmonized by the sound waves.

By practicing these methods regularly, you can enhance the effects of self-healing. It’s important to find methods that work for you and practice them consistently.

Methods for Healing Others

Energy healing for others should be done carefully and with compassion, after obtaining the recipient’s permission. Here are the basic methods for healing others:

  1. Preparing the environment: Prepare a quiet and comfortable space. If needed, use aromatherapy oils or soft music to create a relaxing atmosphere.
  2. Building trust with the recipient: Before starting the healing, have a conversation with the recipient to build trust. Answer their concerns and questions carefully to provide a sense of security.
  3. Confirming permission: Always get the recipient’s permission before starting the healing. Also, tell them to inform you immediately if they feel any discomfort during the session.
  4. Scanning the energy field: Scan the recipient’s energy field by hovering your hands. Sense any imbalances or stagnation in the energy.
  5. Adjusting chakras: Hover your hands over the seven main chakras in sequence, sending energy. Visualize each chakra being activated and balanced.
  6. Sending energy from palms: Send energy from your palms to the recipient’s body. It’s important to maintain pure intention and feelings of love while doing this.
  7. Sweeping: Use your palms to sweep over the body, removing stagnant energy.
  8. Repairing the aura: If there are tears or distortions in the recipient’s aura, visualize repairing them using your palms.
  9. Grounding: At the end of the healing, send energy to the recipient’s feet to help them feel grounded.
  10. Collecting feedback: After the healing, ask about the recipient’s experience and sensations. This helps confirm the effects of the healing and improve future sessions.
  11. Aftercare: Explain post-healing precautions (such as staying hydrated, resting) and provide follow-up if necessary.
  12. Ethical considerations: Clearly communicate that healing is a complementary method and does not replace medical treatment. Recommend consulting medical professionals when necessary.

When performing healing on others, it’s important to always respect the recipient’s will and be sensitive to the flow of energy. Remember that the healer is merely a mediator of energy, playing a role in facilitating the healing process.

Effects and Limitations of Energy Healing

While energy healing can bring healing and comfort to many people, it’s important to understand its effects and limitations.


  • Stress reduction: Energy healing can induce a deep state of relaxation, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Pain relief: It may help alleviate chronic pain and discomfort.
  • Immune system boost: By reducing stress and improving overall health, the immune system may be strengthened.
  • Mental clearing: It can help dissolve mental blocks and cleanse emotions, bringing mental clarity.
  • Increased energy levels: As overall energy balance improves, vitality may increase.
  • Improved sleep quality: The deep relaxation state can lead to better quality sleep.


  • Not a substitute for medical treatment: Energy healing is not a substitute for conventional medical treatments. For serious symptoms or conditions, always seek diagnosis and treatment from medical professionals.
  • Individual differences in effects: The effects of energy healing vary greatly between individuals. It doesn’t work the same way for everyone.
  • Lack of scientific verification: There’s still insufficient scientific verification of the effects of energy healing. Many effects are based on subjective individual experiences.
  • Possibility of placebo effect: Some effects may be due to the placebo effect (psychological effect).
  • Ethical issues: There’s a risk that inappropriate practitioners may create false expectations or hinder necessary medical treatment.
  • Uncertainty of long-term effects: While short-term effects have been reported, there’s not enough research on long-term effects yet.

Precautions for Practicing Energy Healing

To practice energy healing safely and effectively, keep the following points in mind:

  • Proper training and qualifications: It’s important to receive appropriate training from reliable instructors or institutions and obtain necessary qualifications.
  • Ethical practice: Adhere to the ethical standards of a healer and always act in the best interest of the recipient.
  • Clear explanation and consent: Clearly explain the content of the healing, expected effects, and potential risks to the recipient and obtain their consent.
  • Cooperation with medical treatment: Clearly communicate that energy healing is a complementary method and not a substitute for necessary medical procedures.
  • Protection of personal information: Strictly protect the privacy and personal information of the recipient.
  • Continuous learning: The field of energy healing is constantly evolving. It’s important to continue learning the latest knowledge and techniques.
  • Self-care: Regularly practice self-care to maintain the healer’s own physical and mental balance.
  • Maintaining humility: Remember that a healer’s role is to facilitate the healing process, and avoid the misconception that you have special powers.
  • Setting appropriate boundaries: Maintain appropriate distance with the recipient and maintain professional boundaries.
  • Utilizing feedback: Sincerely accept feedback from recipients and use it to improve your practice.


Energy healing is a healing method that combines ancient wisdom with modern understanding. By sending healing energy through your palms, it may help balance the body and mind and enhance natural healing abilities.

However, it’s important to remember that energy healing is not a substitute for conventional medicine, but rather plays a complementary role. Proper training, ethical practice, and continuous learning are key to safe and effective healing.

The practice of energy healing also provides an opportunity to develop a deep understanding and compassion for oneself and others. As you grow as a healer, you may become aware of your inner power and feel a deep connection with others.

Lastly, energy healing is a field that is not yet fully scientifically understood, and there are various discussions about its effects and mechanisms. It’s important to approach this field with an open mind while maintaining critical thinking.

The world of energy healing is profound and full of learning possibilities. We hope this article will be helpful in your healing journey. Value your intuition and experience, and continue your practice with caution and passion.