The Art of Automatic Writing: 5 Techniques to Unleash Your Creativity

The Art of Automatic Writing: 5 Techniques to Unleash Your Creativity

Automatic writing is the key to unlocking the doors of imagination. By grasping a pen and liberating your consciousness, our inner world exhibits remarkable creativity. This article delves into the allure of this ancient yet modern technique, introducing five methods to dramatically enhance your expressiveness. From artists to executives, automatic writing offers new possibilities for anyone seeking creative problem-solving.

Dialoguing with Higher Wisdom: The Essence of Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is a technique that temporarily sets aside conscious thought to directly record messages from the unconscious or higher consciousness. Its origins trace back to ancient times, practiced in many cultures and religions as a means of obtaining sacred wisdom.

For instance, the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece is said to have performed a form of automatic writing when delivering prophecies. Similarly, in Tibetan Buddhist tradition, a similar technique was used to discover hidden teachings called terma.

In modern times, automatic writing gained attention as a means of artistic expression. Early 20th-century Surrealists used this technique to explore the unconscious world, creating works that transcended conventional artistic boundaries.

The appeal of automatic writing lies in its creativity that surpasses everyday thought patterns. Our consciousness tends to be bound by fixed ideas shaped by social norms and personal experiences. Automatic writing temporarily liberates us from these constraints, enabling freer and more intuitive expression.

Mindset for Practicing Automatic Writing

An appropriate mindset is essential for effective automatic writing. Pay attention to the following points:

Releasing Judgment

The most crucial aspect of automatic writing is not judging the content. Write down the words as they come, without concern for grammatical correctness or logical consistency. For example, even if you think “This is nonsense,” simply write down that thought and continue.

Creating a Quiet Environment

Conduct automatic writing in a quiet environment with minimal external stimuli to better listen to your inner voice. Playing meditation music or using aromatherapy can be helpful.

Maintaining a Relaxed State

Maintaining a physically and mentally relaxed state allows you to receive messages from deeper layers. It can be effective to start with deep breathing or simple stretches.

Regular Practice

The effects of automatic writing improve with consistent practice. It’s recommended to engage in it regularly, even if only for short periods daily. For instance, you could set aside 15 minutes each morning for automatic writing.

Keeping an Open Mind

Approach the practice with an open mind, ready to accept unexpected content without surprise. Sometimes uncomfortable emotions or memories may surface, but accept these as valuable opportunities for self-understanding.

Five Techniques to Unleash Creativity

Here are five techniques to unleash creativity through automatic writing, each explained with specific examples:

Free Flow Writing

Free flow writing is the basic form of automatic writing. Place your pen on paper and continuously write down words that come to mind without stopping to think.


  1. Set a time (e.g., 15 minutes)
  2. Keep writing without lifting the pen from the paper
  3. Write whatever comes to mind without concern for grammar or consistency
  4. If you run out of things to write, write “I have nothing to write” and continue


“My mind is empty now. I don’t know what to write. But the pen is moving. Birds are chirping outside. Their sound distracts me. Birds are free. They can fly. I want to fly too. But I’m here now. Holding a pen. Weaving words. Where is this text going? Where is this life going…”

This technique is effective in liberating your inner voice and removing creative thought blocks.

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery involves automatic writing while imagining specific images or scenes.


  1. Close your eyes and take deep breaths to calm down
  2. Visualize a specific image (e.g., a beautiful garden, a mystical cave)
  3. Open your eyes and start writing about your experience within that image
  4. Write down the beings you encounter and sensations you feel in the imagery


“I’m standing at the entrance of a mystical cave. Cool air caresses my skin. A faint light leaks from deep within the cave. Curiosity drives me to take a step forward. The ground is damp, and water sounds echo with each step. Strange patterns are drawn on the walls. They look like the tree of life. As I go deeper, the light grows stronger. And then…”

This technique is useful for drawing out rich imagination and gaining inspiration for creative storytelling.

Dialogue Writing

Dialogue writing involves recording conversations with your inner parts or imaginary beings.


  1. Decide on a conversation partner (e.g., higher self, inner child, ideal self)
  2. Ask questions to this entity and write down the responses
  3. Continue alternating between questions and answers, creating a natural flow of dialogue


“Me: Hello, inner child. Do you have any messages for me today? Inner Child: Play more! You’re too serious every day. Me: But I have so many responsibilities… Inner Child: Responsibilities are important, but don’t forget to have fun too. Me: How can I have more fun? Inner Child: It’s easy! Look up at the sky, run in the park, draw pictures…”

This technique is effective for deepening self-understanding and gaining new perspectives and insights.

Symbol Interpretation

Symbol interpretation involves starting with a specific symbol or metaphor and writing down associated words and images.


  1. Choose an interesting symbol (e.g., tree, moon, key)
  2. Start writing words and images associated with that symbol
  3. Continue writing freely, following the associations


“Key. Cold metal. Secret. Opening doors. New world. Possibility. Heart’s door. Locked memories. Liberation. Freedom. Responsibility. Choice. Decision. Life’s crossroads. Keyhole. Peeking. Curiosity. Knowledge. Power. Fear of losing the key. Trust. Promise. Contract. Wedding ring. Eternal vow…”

This technique is helpful in nurturing symbolic thinking and drawing out poetic expressions and deep insights.

Emotional Release Writing

Emotional release writing focuses on a specific emotion and conducts automatic writing through that emotion.


  1. Choose an emotion to explore (e.g., joy, anger, fear)
  2. Focus your awareness on that emotion and feel its sensation in your body
  3. Begin writing as if the emotion is speaking to you
  4. Surrender to the flow of emotion and continue writing without restraint


“Anger, where are you now? You’re burning deep in my chest. Hot. Painful. I want to scream. But I can’t raise my voice. Why? Is there fear? Fear of rejection? Or fear of losing control? Anger, what are you teaching me? That I want to protect something precious? That I want my value to be recognized?…”

This technique is effective in promoting emotional release and understanding, and removing emotional blocks.

Utilizing Information Obtained Through Automatic Writing

Information obtained through automatic writing can be presented as a work in itself or utilized as part of a creative process. Here are some ways to use it:

Use as a Seed for Creation

Use phrases and impressions obtained from automatic writing as starting points for novels, poems, music, and other creative works. For example, you could begin writing a fantastical short story from the phrase “a silver mirror illuminated by moonlight” that emerged during automatic writing.

Gain Hints for Problem Solving

Conduct automatic writing about problems you’re facing to gain insights and ideas from your unconscious. This can be applied to solving business challenges as well. For instance, if you’re struggling to find a concept for a new product, automatic writing might bring unexpected ideas to the surface.

Deepen Self-Understanding

Reflect on the content of your automatic writing to understand your inner workings and subconscious tendencies. This is useful for personal growth and self-development. By regularly engaging in automatic writing and analyzing its content, you can grasp your thought patterns and emotional tendencies.

Use as Inspiration for Artwork

Transform written words and images into visual artwork. For example, painting a landscape described in your automatic writing could lead to the creation of an original piece of art.

Use as an Aid for Meditation and Introspection

Meditate before and after automatic writing to gain deeper awareness and insights. By verbalizing images and sensations that arise during meditation through automatic writing, you can develop a deeper understanding of your meditation experience.

Points to Consider When Practicing Automatic Writing

While automatic writing is a powerful means of self-expression and self-exploration, there are several points to be mindful of:

Avoid Excessive Immersion

Be careful not to neglect your real life by becoming too absorbed in automatic writing. It’s important to be conscious of time management, for example, by setting a timer for your automatic writing sessions.

Interpret Content Carefully

Be cautious not to treat information obtained through automatic writing as absolute truth. Consider it as part of a creative process. Especially when making important decisions, it’s crucial to use logical thinking alongside the content from automatic writing.

Be Aware of Psychological Impact

As deep emotions and subconscious content may surface, consider seeking support from professionals when necessary. Particularly if traumatic experiences resurface, it’s recommended to consult with a psychotherapist or other specialist.

Protect Privacy

As personal content may be included, store your automatic writing records safely. If recording digitally, be mindful of security measures such as password protection.

Balanced Practice

It’s important not to rely too heavily on automatic writing, but to practice it in balance with logical thinking and other creative methods. Automatic writing is just one tool for drawing out creativity, and richer creative activities become possible when combined with other thought processes and expression methods.

Cultural Background and Modern Significance of Automatic Writing

The technique of automatic writing has a long history and has played important roles in various cultures and eras. Let’s delve deeper into its cultural background and contemporary significance.

Ancient Wisdom and Automatic Writing

In ancient Egypt, priests are said to have performed a kind of automatic writing when receiving messages from the gods. They entered special states and recorded sacred hieroglyphs.

In medieval Europe, mystics practiced listening to the “inner voice” and recording it. For example, Hildegard of Bingen, a German nun, received revelations from God along with visual images and recorded them in detail.

Similar practices can be seen in Eastern traditions as well. In Zen tradition, writing “spontaneous poetry” was part of the practice. This is similar to automatic writing in that it puts words to direct experience without going through thought.

Modern Art and Automatic Writing

Entering the 20th century, automatic writing gained attention as a new method of artistic expression. Influenced by Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, Surrealists used automatic writing as a means to explore the unconscious world.

André Breton and Philippe Soupault created collaborative works using automatic writing in their work “The Magnetic Fields,” producing innovative expressions that transcended conventional literature.

The painter Salvador Dalí applied the technique of automatic writing to painting, creating dreamlike surrealistic works. His “paranoiac-critical method” can be seen as a visual expression of automatic writing.

The Significance of Automatic Writing in the Modern Era

Today, automatic writing is utilized in various fields beyond just an artistic technique.


In Jungian analytical psychology, elements of automatic writing are incorporated into a technique called active imagination. This helps to bring unconscious content into consciousness and explore the depths of the psyche.

Creativity Development:

In the business world, automatic writing-like methods are sometimes used as part of brainstorming. It helps to remove fixed ideas and generate innovative ideas.


Automatic writing is being used as a tool for mindfulness and self-exploration. It’s gaining attention as a means to listen to the inner voice and deepen self-understanding.


More educators are introducing automatic writing in creative writing classes. It’s considered effective in liberating students’ expressiveness and developing original writing skills.

Automatic Writing in the Digital Age

With the development of technology, the forms of automatic writing are also evolving.

Digital Tools:

Using tablets and styluses, it’s now possible to perform automatic writing digitally while maintaining the sensation of handwriting. This makes storage and editing easier.

AI Collaboration:

Some artists are experimenting with inputting text generated through automatic writing into AI for further creative development. This opens up new possibilities for expression that fuse human unconsciousness with AI creativity.

VR (Virtual Reality) Experience:

Attempts are being made to conduct automatic writing in immersive environments using VR technology. This might enable creative expression in deeper states of concentration.

Conclusion: Automatic Writing as a Key to Unlock Creativity

Automatic writing is a powerful tool for creativity and self-understanding that goes beyond mere writing technique. From ancient mystical practices to modern digital technology, its form has evolved with the times, but its essence remains unchanged. It’s about liberating the creativity hidden in the depths of consciousness and opening up new possibilities for expression.

Through daily practice, we can access the source of inner wisdom and creativity, deepen self-understanding, and generate innovative ideas. Automatic writing can be a valuable practice not only for artists and writers but for anyone seeking self-growth and creative problem-solving.

However, appropriate mindset and caution are necessary in its practice. It’s important to critically examine the content obtained through automatic writing and utilize it while maintaining balance with other thought processes and expression methods.

The insights and creativity gained through automatic writing have the potential to expand our consciousness and bring about richer self-expression and life experiences. Why not explore this ancient yet new technique and open the door to your own creativity? A journey filled with unexpected discoveries and surprises may be waiting for you there.