Crafting and Using Dreamcatchers: Native American Wisdom for Inviting Good Dreams

Crafting and Using Dreamcatchers: Native American Wisdom for Inviting Good Dreams

Like stars shining in the night sky, dreams also shine within our hearts. The desire to protect these dreams and be guided towards a better future might be common to all humanity. Born from this wish is the dreamcatcher. Let’s explore this fascinating item filled with Native American wisdom, from its origins to its creation and usage.

Origins and Legends of Dreamcatchers

Dreamcatchers are traditional decorative items long passed down among Native American tribes. While they are said to have originated with the Ojibwe (also called Chippewa) tribe, many tribes actually have their own dreamcatcher traditions. For example, the Lakota and Hopi tribes also have dreamcatcher traditions rooted in their respective cultures.

In the Ojibwe language, it’s called “asabikeshiinh,” meaning “spider’s web.” The Lakota, on the other hand, call it “hanbleceya,” meaning “to dream.”

According to legend, the spider goddess Asabikeshiinh created this web to catch people’s nightmares. Good dreams are said to pass through the holes to reach the sleeper, while nightmares get caught in the web and disappear with the morning sun.

However, the spiritual meaning of dreamcatchers varies among tribes and individuals. They’re not necessarily just for catching nightmares; some cultures view them as tools for attracting good dreams and spiritual guidance, or for promoting self-reflection and spiritual growth.

This diverse tradition holds more meaning than just a story. Dreamcatchers function as a bridge connecting our unconscious world with reality, playing a role in promoting peace of mind and self-realization.

How to Make Your Own Dreamcatcher

By making your own dreamcatcher, you can feel a deeper meaning and power. Here’s a basic method for creating one:


  • A hoop (wooden or metal, about 10-30cm in diameter)
  • Leather or suede cord
  • Kite string or hemp cord
  • Beads (wooden or stone)
  • Feathers
  • Scissors
  • Pliers (optional)


  1. Wrap the hoop: Tightly wrap the entire hoop with leather cord. This serves not only as decoration but also as a base for later stringing.
  2. Weave the web: Using kite string or hemp cord, create a web inside the hoop. Work from the center outwards, stringing regularly. You can add beads for decoration during this process.
  3. Add decorations: Hang 3-5 strings from the bottom of the web and attach feathers and beads to their ends. These are said to play a role in carrying good dreams and spiritual guidance.
  4. Finishing touch: Finally, create a loop at the top for hanging, and it’s complete.

It’s important to infuse your thoughts and wishes into the creation process. Try to express yourself in the choice of materials and weaving style. It’s also good to incorporate designs based on your own culture or beliefs.

Effective Use and Placement of Dreamcatchers

To maximize the use of dreamcatchers, proper usage and placement are important. Consider the following points:

  • Place in the bedroom: The most common placement is in the bedroom. It’s good to hang it above the bed or near the window, as these are considered places where dreams enter and exit.
  • Face it eastward: In many Native American traditions, east symbolizes new beginnings and hope. By placing the dreamcatcher facing east, you can align with the idea of welcoming new beginnings with the morning sun.
  • Put in children’s rooms: Placing dreamcatchers in children’s rooms can be effective in addressing night crying and anxiety.
  • Clean regularly: As dreamcatchers are considered to gather spiritual energy, they need occasional cleansing. About once a month, it’s good to take them outside to bathe in sunlight or cleanse with sage smoke.
  • Use as a meditation and self-reflection tool: Meditating while gazing at a dreamcatcher can help you listen to your inner voice more easily.
  • Give as a gift: Dreamcatchers also make suitable gifts for loved ones. By infusing your wishes for their happiness and spiritual growth, it becomes a more meaningful present.

Dreamcatchers and Dream Interpretation

Dreamcatchers are not just for preventing nightmares; they can be tools for deepening dream interpretation and self-understanding. Here are some ways to understand dreams and yourself through dreamcatchers:

  • Keep a dream journal: After starting to use a dreamcatcher, try recording your dreams every morning. Over time, you might notice patterns or changes in your dreams.
  • Focus on symbols: Each part of the dreamcatcher (web, feathers, beads, etc.) can be associated with symbols in your dreams. For example, the web might represent life’s complexities, while feathers might symbolize freedom or spirituality.
  • Consider color meanings: Explore the relationship between the colors used in your dreamcatcher and those appearing in your dreams. Colors often symbolize emotions or states of being.
  • Trust your intuition: There’s no correct interpretation for dreams. It’s important to explore the meaning of your dreams following your intuition while gazing at the dreamcatcher.
  • Learn about cultural backgrounds: Learning about various Native American cultures and philosophies can deepen your understanding of dreams and dreamcatchers.
  • Seek professional advice: If needed, it’s also good to seek advice from dream analysis experts or Native American elders. However, be cautious of cultural appropriation and maintain an attitude of learning with respect.

By facing your dreams through dreamcatchers, you can deepen your self-understanding and more clearly receive messages from your subconscious.


Dreamcatchers are items with deeper meaning beyond mere decoration. This tradition, rooted in the diverse cultures of Native Americans, brings great value to us living in modern society as tools for peace of mind and self-realization.

By creating your own dreamcatcher and facing your dreams and inner self through it, new insights and changes might occur in your life. You can nurture dreams that shine like stars in the night sky and walk towards a richer life.

Dreamcatchers remind us of the power of dreams and give us opportunities to listen to our inner voice. When incorporating this old yet new wisdom into modern life, it’s crucial to respect its cultural background and approach it with reverence. By doing so, dreamcatchers can become true spiritual guides beyond mere decorative items. Why not experience this wonderful tradition that can bring new brilliance to your life?