Creating Reality Through the Revolutionary Approach of NLP and the Law of Attraction

Creating Reality Through the Revolutionary Approach of NLP and the Law of Attraction

Our lives are shaped by our thoughts and words. This idea has been proposed by many philosophers and thinkers over the years. However, recently, an innovative approach combining Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and the Law of Attraction has emerged, providing scientific backing to this ancient wisdom and potentially enhancing our ability to create our reality dramatically.

What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a psychological approach developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It aims to understand how human experiences are structured and to promote effective communication and personal transformation. NLP focuses on language patterns, thought processes, and behavioral connections, asserting that consciously altering these can lead to desired outcomes.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is the concept that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. This idea was popularized as part of the New Thought movement in the late 19th century and has gained widespread recognition in recent years through books and media like “The Secret.” According to the Law of Attraction, what we strongly believe and feel attracts similar realities.

The Fusion of NLP and the Law of Attraction

By combining NLP and the Law of Attraction, we can consciously change our thought and language patterns to create a powerful tool for manifesting our desired reality. Here are the key elements of this revolutionary approach:

1. Conscious Use of Language Patterns

NLP teaches us that language significantly influences our thoughts and perception of reality. By replacing negative or self-limiting expressions with positive, possibility-expanding language, we can take the first step in changing our reality.

For example, changing “I can’t do it” to “I haven’t mastered that skill yet” opens up possibilities for growth and learning.

2. Sensory Specificity

A crucial concept in NLP is sensory-specific expression. By vividly imagining desired outcomes using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic senses, our brain begins to recognize them as reality. This directly relates to practicing the Law of Attraction.

For instance, instead of merely thinking “I want to be successful,” imagining yourself as successful in detail and experiencing that sensation increases your motivation to act towards that reality.

3. Reframing

NLP’s reframing technique allows us to change our perspective on situations or experiences, opening up new possibilities. This closely relates to the practice of “gratitude” in the Law of Attraction.

For example, reframing failure as a “learning opportunity” can reduce negative emotions and help us see it as a chance for growth.

4. Anchoring

NLP’s anchoring technique links specific emotions or states to particular stimuli, making them easy to recall. Combined with the Law of Attraction, this allows us to easily evoke emotional states aligned with our desired reality.

For instance, associating feelings of success or confidence with a specific physical action (like gently squeezing your fingers) allows you to recall those emotions whenever needed.

5. Well-Formed Outcomes

NLP’s concept of “Well-Formed Outcomes” provides a method for setting specific and achievable goals. This closely relates to setting “clear intentions” in the Law of Attraction.

By ensuring goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound (SMART), we can more effectively create our desired reality.

6. Meta Programs

NLP’s meta programs are filters for understanding patterns of thought and behavior. By understanding and adjusting our meta programs, we can act more effectively towards our desired reality.

For example, shifting from a “problem-oriented” to a “solution-oriented” meta program allows for a more constructive approach in challenging situations.

7. Timeline Therapy

NLP’s timeline therapy deals with perceptions of past, present, and future and their relationships. Combined with the Law of Attraction, this can help resolve past negative experiences and more clearly envision a desirable future.

For instance, imagining your desired future self and working backward to the present to determine necessary steps can lead to more effective goal achievement planning.


The approach of combining NLP and the Law of Attraction provides us with powerful tools for reality creation. By consciously changing language patterns, creating sensory-specific images, reframing situations, anchoring desired emotional states, setting clear goals, adjusting thought patterns, and utilizing time perception, we can actively shape our reality.

This approach is not mere optimism or wishful thinking. Rather, it’s a method of maximizing our potential by understanding and consciously utilizing the power of our brain and language.

However, this approach doesn’t magically change reality instantly. It requires consistent practice and accompanying concrete actions. By integrating the principles of NLP and the Law of Attraction into our daily lives, we can gradually but surely move closer to our desired reality.

By understanding and consciously utilizing the power of our thoughts and words, we can more proactively shape our lives and create our desired reality. This revolutionary approach to self-realization and personal growth has the potential to transform many people’s lives.